Wednesday, June 13, 2007

so-so psoas

Today's one of those rare perfect summer days in Fogville (warm, not too windy), and everyone but me played hooky from class. Score! Good weather AND a private. We spent the hour on teaser issues and I think I have part of the problem figured out. My psoas (psoases? psoaii? psoasim?) are weak. That, combined with tight hamstrings seem to be preventing me from holding my legs up. My abs are strong and when I pull my lower abs back, back, back -- and have my legs even semi-supported -- I'm ok. But when my legs are in the air and I'm just balancing on my sacrum, my legs start shaking and everything goes down.

I also think that I have sort of pixie stick legs that are too light to balance out the weight of my upper body. That's just a theory, and not an excuse for the real work that needs to be done, namely (and in flat back):

- bridges with leg lifts,
- the fives -- especially double leg and hamstrings,
- leg circles, and
- corkscrew

Good times, good times.

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