Saturday, January 5, 2008

upcoming conferences

Two upcoming conferences on the West Coast that may be worth checking out: The 5th Annual Yoga Journal San Francisco Conference from January 18-21) features some of the bigwigs from the yoga world, including Saul David Raye, Shiva Rea, and Rodney Yee, as well as various others from complementary fields including Dr. Dean Ornish. In addition, Seane Corne, is leading, among other sessions one on Monday (appropriately, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) that sounds interesting called "Off the Mat, Into the World: Yoga, Spiritual Activism, and Social Change."

The second is the Pilates Style Magazine conference in Los Angeles the following week which also includes some of the big name pilates teachers including Rael Isacowitz, Ana Cabán and Mari Winsor, as well as a number of Romana Kryzanowsk's proteges. Should be an interesting mix of teaching styles and techniques.

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